We are ALL busy women! So you want to work your Younique business SMARTER, not harder! Here are some tips to help you do that.

Set aside INTENTIONAL time to get specific tasks done. You might need to schedule these in every day. I have found Facebook doesn't take over my life if I block out time to message, scroll and comment, book parties, interact with teammates. This will keep you from becoming overwhelmed by your phone. Work smarter and Facebook will be your businesses BFF! So give yourself 15 minutes to work on parties, 15 minutes to message teammates, 15 minutes to create get the idea. :)

If you can create a POWER HOUR each day, then do it. That is one hour that you focus on nothing but income producing activities. No email, texts, or messages unless you are following up with a customer. No training or conference calls. NOTHING but those key things that lead you to growth and income. Contacting, inviting, presenting and following up. Phone, text, email, Facebook message, smoke signal – whatever – this is what your power hour is for. If you can’t find an hour, create that hour by finding four 15 minute segments each day. EVERYONE can make this time, if they are serious and committed.

These daily, weekly, and monthly tasks can be really helpful for keeping you on track! You can download all of them HERE.  I have provided PDFs as well as Numbers docs. These can be totally personalized and customized, and with some time blocking, you can accomplish these goals! :)  (Explanation videos coming soon!)

Find a planner that works for you! I prefer one that looks more like a lis with a sidebar for notes. And then I use iCalendar on my computer/phone to organize my schedule. Some women prefer beautiful planners. Do what works for you, but MAKE SURE you have a notebook and/or planner to keep yourself on track! The Passion Planner is a great all-in-one super organizer! You can find them HERE.